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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Shadwen review

Shadwen review
Shadwen review. Shadwen could be the ultimate assassin. She moves being a cat, climbs as being a monkey, and kills swiftly, silently, and utterly without remorse. She's a lean, mean, murderin' machine. She is also, following the opening sequence with the game that bears her name, a surrogate mother of sorts, as she reluctantly takes control of an equally sneaky and not nearly as murderous girl named Lily. Thus we now have the central conflict: Can Shadwen complete her pursuit to murder the king while preserving Lily's innocence—and even more important, does she care enough to even try?

Stealth games generally depend on enemy NPCs who aren't great at their jobs, and Shadwen, a really linear, third-person game of sneaking and murder, isn't any exception. Guards have very short, narrow fields of vision, and hiding in bushes or haystacks renders Shadwen and Lily invisible, regardless of whether searching guards are practically looking at top of them. But while Shadwen can climb, jump, and swing from her grappling hook, Lily cannot. She’s limited by running between hiding places, advancing automatically over the streets and corridors if the guards aren’t looking. Your job as Shadwen, then, is always to ensure their backs are turned with the appropriate times, usually by pushing, pulling, or knocking above the crates and barrels that happen to be stacked everywhere you go. Nearby guards will turn to investigate, and Lily, hopefully, will slip through. 

This is often the spot that the AI goes from 'forgiving' to 'wonky.' Guards are only alerted if Shadwen is spotted, so Lily is effectively unseeable: She won't move into a guard's distinctive line of sight, and they’re forbidden through the game's internal rules from spotting her. But occasionally, Lily will likely be caught out on view, perfectly visible, however the guard who's looking right at her won't answer her presence. He’ll just stand there, motionless, before the AI chugs along enough allowing her to advance, either to her target location or time for her original hiding spot.

Shadwen herself does not get that kind of leeway: Being spotted using a guard can be an instant game over. But failure doesn't imply being kicked over to a save/load screen. Instead, you will find there's time rewind mechanic that permits you to go back a short time, or as much as the previous save checkpoint, and take another run at whatever you decide to screwed up. I really like this, since it makes experimentation super easy: Moves that do not work out can just be rewound and tried again.

The default movement system works likewise, as time only advances when Shadwen is within motion (or each time a ‘pass time’ secret is held). Real-time movement can be an option if that is your preference, but I quickly came to love the auto-pause system since it let me more precisely execute tricky maneuvers, like stringing together multiple, Spider-Man style grapples—Shadwen will eradicate even in mid-air if no keys are now being pressed. Die-hard platformers may disapprove, but I was quite thrilled to enjoy the pleasure of pulling off ninja-like moves with no usual frustration that comes from having decidedly un-ninja-like fingers.

No-frills kills

I established Shadwen's real secret as a result of stages on the game's fourth level: Keeping Lily innocent does not mean not killing anyone, this means keeping her from learning about it. Since there are simply no penalties for spilling blood given that Lily stays at night, I quickly abandoned lifespan of pacifism simply murders of convenience, and in a short time, straight-up thrill-killing. Eliminating threats as an alternative to trying to work around them certainly simplified your way, and yes it was amusing for awhile too. But it also revealed a number of Shadwen’s shortcomings.

For one, although Shadwen purports to permit acts of deep, multi-layered mayhem, it genuinely didn't figure out that way for me personally. Indirect murder is usually limited to dropping or rolling a huge object onto an unlucky target, or blowing them up by rolling barrels of explosives into fires they're standing too near with regards to own good. But Shadwen is not able to interact with the earth around her in such a way beyond pushing things, or pulling them her grappling hook, knowning that puts an actual damper on the ability to setup complex, environmental kills. In one instance, I come upon an explosive barrel presents itself a ramp leading as a result of a fire around which three guards were standing—an obvious multi-kill setup. But with all the grapple to get the barrel onto its side in order that it would roll (because pushing just means they slide around) left it completely from position, and attempting to aim it had been like looking to hit a bullseye having a poorly-made paper airplane. I was finally capable of roll it into one, causing consternation among all 3, and I appeared killing them with my knife since they tried to track me down. Effective, sure, but routine.

A number of different traps, like mines and poison dart launchers, are for sale for crafting according to blueprints and items within chests—the wedding party semi-secret the overall game offers—but they're only accessible in extremely limited amounts, and I never found a use on their behalf beyond novelty kills anyway. And that's risky, as if a guard escapes your deathtrap, he'll back off, sound the alarm, and game over. In fact, that takes place whenever a guard discovers a corpse, even when there's no evidence mayhem: try to escape, sound alarm, game over. So regardless of whether the chance to get crazy presented itself, I never bothered because doing so was more often than not to lead to some quick end-of-game. Better to kill quietly, stash the corpse, and get over it.

There are just two enemy types—the standard guard and, later in the overall game, the heavily armored guard, who cannot be shanked from behind—and their behavior never changes: They walk their path, complete a half-assed search whenever they see or hear something untoward, and therefore are entirely too wanting to attribute moving boxes and broken furniture to supernatural forces. The environments don't change much from level to level either; besides some rather pretty outdoor vistas, the whole lot is very grim and grey.

The most disappointing element of Shadwen will be the story. Guards communicate a lot, while they tend to in stealth games, in regards to the “dark spirits,” the forest the King ordered burned for reasons unknown, as well as the coming visit of two trouble-making nobles. Over time, it collectively suggests a low profile depth towards the tale, particularly if conversation turns for the King's potential madness versus the desire to keep him around the throne to make sure peace within the kingdom—something that's apparently been sorely short of recent history. And yet when Shadwen ends, none from it matters a whit. I don't want to spoil it, however it is all very abrupt and entirely unsatisfying. Even the relationship between Shadwen and Lily is treated as entirely throwaway.

I've been a Frozenbyte fan for many years, and also a full-on stealth game engrossed in a complex narrative around the bond between an assassin along with a little girl is around as up my alley because it gets. But it's simply not here. I did have a blast with Shadwen as being a “how to find a way with murder” puzzle game, or by seeing just how long I could string a murder rampage prior to a guards rang the bell. But that's as good because it gets. The genuinely good option on which Shadwen is constructed is betrayed by feeble AI, restrictive and repetitive level design, as well as a game world this is not nearly as interesting or interactive because it first looks.


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